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February 03, 2021 1 min read

Hey Curlies! 

The Venus Glow Facial Mask is not your average clay mask. It is Bentonite clay based, but it contains Aloe Vera & Banana Extract which provide the skin with added moisture and nourishment. The Venus Glow Facial Mask also -

•detoxes & exfoliates skin leaving it cleansed, refreshed & rejuvenated
•fades dark marks, scars & hyperpigmentation
•tightens pores

Below are some tips for using it. Keep reading for glowing skin ✨

•Use 1 or 2x a week - this is a detox (deep cleansing) mask and it's not intended for daily use;⠀
•Upgrade your mask by switching your liquid from water to aloe vera juice, herbal tea or apple cider vinegar (caution with acv for sensitive skin, when in doubt, dilute with water. I only use acv every 2 weeks or so + my skin type is oily/combo). Yes! You can mix with the Hibiscus Hair Tea or the Calendula Hair Tea;
•Add steam if you can! It opens up your pores + helps loosen build up for a deeper cleanse. I recently purchased this facial steamer; ⠀⠀⠀⠀

•Rinse your mask off when it’s about 80% dry. This makes it easier to wash off. + With a bentonite clay mask especially, this also reduces the chance that you’ll be red after. Some redness is normal after a clay mask & it should go away on its own. The longer you let the mask dry on your face - the more likely it is you'll experience redness. 

Of course, you can apply these tips to other masks including those you DIY. Let me know how you like the face mask!


Consy Toribio 

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