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September 27, 2019 4 min read 1 Comment

Hey curlies, welcome back to my blog! Have you used teas in your hair regimen yet? If not, you’re truly missing out! Incorporating teas is quick and easy to do. The benefits are totally worth it too. If you’re looking to take your hair care regimen up a notch, keep on reading.


“Wait, like the tea that we drink?”

Yes, I’m talking about that tea! For centuries we have used herbs and roots to create both medicinal tonics and yummy drinks. Tea cansoothe,healandrefresh. It can help you wake up or can help you fall asleep. I actually drink tea daily - comment below if you do too! Herbs are vitamins and minerals in their purest form. Herbal teas are filled with antioxidants! They can strengthen your immune system, block DNA damage, and decrease risk factors that lead to diseases like diabetes. Sounds good, right? Now let’s talk about hair!If you’re interested, I encourage you to do further research and learn which herbs and roots would be most beneficial for you to drink.   


Tea for Healthy Hair 

Herbs in hair care are becoming extremely popular because they work. (However, it’s actuallynota new practice.) Whether you have straight hair or coily hair, adding herbs to your routine can help you grow longer, stronger, and healthier hair. 

Did you know that your scalp absorbs everything it comes into contact with? Yup! That’s why many naturals are conscious of the products they use on their hair and scalp. Toxic chemicals have the potential to do more harm than good. 

Teas are a safe and natural way to deliver a lot of vitamins directly to your scalp. The composition of certain herbs and roots give them the ability to help with a number of scalp issues. These include (but are certainly not limited to)  excessive shedding, itchiness, dandruff, and breakage. Moreover, teas can help with dullness as they add shine and luster. They also promote hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. 

There’s no special way of making it! 

If you can boil water - you can make hair tea! Some of us may already have tea bags in our home. These are great for beginners! Boil the water, steep the herbs or tea bags for about 10 minutes, let the tea cool, and it’s ready to use! 

In my post Dealing with Excessive Shedding, I wrote about how you can use green or black tea to decrease excessive shedding. For even more benefits, you can use a “hair tea” that’s been formulated for hair care. I will list ours below. In addition to decreased shedding, our Hibiscus Hair Tea also relieves itchy scalp, strengthens from root to tip, adds shine and clears clogged follicles! It’s also caffeine-free. We did this to prevent the dryness that can come from overusing caffeine.Keep this in mind if you chose to use green or black tea. 


I got my hair tea! Now what?

There are a few different ways you can incorporate teas into your hair care regimen. If you purchase a pre-made “hair tea,” make sure you read the instructions. Let's discuss a few popular methods! 


A “pre-poo” is a treatment done prior to shampooing. It prevents your hair from being stripped completely by the shampoo. It also aids in detangling and removing shed hair. You can pre-poo with oil, a conditioner or a DIY/homemade recipe (bananas, avocadoes, honey.. etc). Before you apply your pre-poo of choice, damp your hair and scalp with yourhair tea! You can also use the tea on its own as your treatment. Bonus: you can add heat for better absorption. You can leave this in as long as you usually leave a pre-poo in. I recommend at least 30 minutes. This is my pre-poo routine using my tea. 


This method literally adds 1-2 minutes to your routine. This is great for my curlies in a rush but still seeking the amazing benefits. After you shampoo your hair, apply the cooled tea directly onto your scalp and then the length of your hair. Follow up with your conditioner/deep conditioner. Ideally, you want to leave it in for at least 10 minutes. If you deep condition for longer, even better. I recommend at least 30 minutes. Again, you can add heat for better absorption! Here's a great bottle for this

Leave-in Rinse

After you shampoo and deep condition, you would apply the tea to your clean hair and scalp. Then you follow up with your moisturizing and styling as per usual. Even if you are using a non-caffeinated blend like the Hibiscus Hair Tea, it’s still important that you don’t skip moisturizing. Tea, although water-based, is still strengthening and we want to maintain that healthy balance.  


You can also put tea in your spray bottle and use it to refresh your hair and scalp in between wash days! This is actually one of my favorite ways to use the Hibiscus Hair Tea because I absolutely love how it feels on my scalp. Here’s an example of my weekly scalp massages! 


That’s it for today curlies, thank you so much for reading! If you aren't subscribed yet make sure you do so. What are your thoughts on using tea in your natural hair? If you have done it already, what were your results like?



1 Response

Reina Benjamin
Reina Benjamin

April 02, 2020

Great tips that I’ve tried before, but I need to get back on my using tea on my hair!

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